
Showing posts from February, 2018
Ethos- Emma used another country as example on gun control. She said that if the president told her it was a terrible tragedy that she was going to ask him how much money does he receive from the National Rifle Association. Well he received $30 millions dollars a year. Pathos-She was was crying crying because she was taking about how the shooter needed help and how no one help him or try to help him. Logos- Emma used her history notes to get all the information she was talking about. She didn’t need to be a psychologist to know that the shooter was Metally Ill. She found a page called She used Republican Senator Chuck Grassbey as a example on how he took away the bill that stop FBI from checking people that are metally Ill.
The book that I read is called “Girl Like Me” By Tanya Savory. It’s about a 14 year old girl named Angel. She gay but she doesn’t tell anyone until one day her bestfriend Sharice found out her secret. She look and acted with disgust. Soon the whole school found out she was gay they look at her mean and called her names. She felt alone until her real friends stick by her side. This theme in this book is realistic fiction. Base on the book it seems like Tanya Savory is a person who supports and treats everyone equal because it have seen other books she had written. I think she a like a happpy person and positive. What threw to me to this book wasn’t that it’s a new book and the cover and the title was the biggest think got my attention. They reason that I kept reading this book was because I have gay friends and I see how they aren’t happy because of people who are so negative. Gay people are just trying to be happy and live there life’s and not hurt others. I really did t read the book